Adding, Editing, Deleting Contacts

Adding Contacts

 Contacts Page

  1. Log into your ThankView portal, click Contacts, then click + Add Contacts.
  2. You can either upload a spreadsheet (.csv, .xls, .xlsx) or add the data manually.

Click + Add Recipients or Start Adding Recipients. Select one of the following methods of uploading recipients:

  • Upload Recipients All at Once
  • Add from Lists
  • Add Manually
  • Add from Contacts

Upload Recipients All at Once

Before uploading, make sure your spreadsheet is in .csv, .xls, or .xlsx format. You can then either drag-and-drop or browse your files.

Once you upload your spreadsheet, you will be prompted to use dropdown data fields to choose which column headers of our platform correspond to the column headers in your spreadsheet. If your spreadsheet doesn't have column headers, you can uncheck the Data Includes Headers box.

Make sure to check the box at the bottom of this section that says 'These recipients have opted-in to receive ThankViews from [Your Organization].'

Add from Lists 

If you've already created a list of the recipients you'd like to use, you can scroll through the + Add from Lists section or search for the name of a specific list. Select your list, then click Continue.

Add Manually

You may manually add recipients by entering their contact information. The only required fields are First Name and Email, but the more information you enter, the easier it will be to organize your contacts and personalize your content.

  • Note: If your portal requires Donor IDs, the Donor ID field will also need to be included. It can contain any combination of leading zeros, numbers, letters, and special characters. Note that CSV files may drop leading zeros, so double-check fields for accuracy during uploads! Unlike the Email field, this field does not need to be unique, but we do recommend using unique Donor IDs.

Once you've entered the information, click + Add Recipient.

Add From Contacts

At the bottom of the Add Manually section, click + Add from Contacts. You can either search for a contact, or select by scrolling through the list. Once you've selected your contact(s), click Add X Contacts.

Editing Contacts

  1. Find your contact in the Contacts page or within your campaign.
  2. Click on their name, then click Edit Contact.

Deleting Contacts

From Portal

Deleting a contact from your portal will remove them from all campaigns and will delete their metrics.

  1. Find your contact in the Contacts page.
  2. Check the box beside their name, then click Delete.

From Campaign

Deleting a contact from the recipient list in a campaign will only remove them from that campaign.

  1. Find your contact in the Recipients section of your campaign. 
  2. Check the box beside their name, then click Delete.

From List

Deleting a contact from a list will only remove them from that list.

  1. Find your contact in the Lists page.
  2. Check the box beside their name, then click Delete.

Mass Deleting Contacts

First, you must download a .csv file of the contacts you'd like to delete. You must have the Admin permission level to submit this request.

  1. Go to your Contacts page.
  2. Click the Filter By dropdown to filter your contacts.
  3. Click the ellipses beside the + Add Contacts button, then click Download .CSV.
  4. Send the .csv file to your Customer Success Representative for mass deletion.

Restoring Contacts

If you delete contacts from your portal, but wish to retrieve them for any reason - this is doable! Reach out to our Support Team via chat or email and they can add the deleted constituents back to your Contacts page. The good news is that your metrics will also return for those contacts, so it's a virtual redo.

We recommend requesting that contacts be added back to the Contacts page, rather than directly into a campaign, as the campaign would be automatically resent upon restoration.


  • The First Name and Email (or Phone) fields are required.  If your portal requires Donor IDs, the Donor ID field will also need to be included.
    • If the Donor ID field is required for your portal, any edits made to existing contacts added prior to this requirement will prompt a need to include this field before saving.

  • Recipient data automatically updates to the most recent set of data you've uploaded. ThankView matches emails to recipients and overrides previous data if new data is introduced. There will not be duplicates of the same email address or phone number on your Contacts page. 
  • You can have one or more contacts with the same name, however, you can't have more than one contact with the same email address. 
  • When uploading your spreadsheet, you must match the column headers in your spreadsheet with the column headers in ThankView. You may download a sample .csv file to see what column headers (merge fields) are available in the platform.
  • You're now able to sort contacts by first name OR last name, we've split the field into two!


If you have additional questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Representative or

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