All About: 1:1 Video Contact Linking

What is Contact Linking?

1:1 Video Contact Linking is a feature that allows you to connect your 1:1 videos to contacts in your ThankView portal. When you link a contact to a 1:1 Video, it connects them to the video’s metrics, giving you more robust engagement data when reviewing their contact profile or 1:1 Video metrics!   

While 1:1 Video Contact Linking is an optional feature, we offer an option to require it if you want all recorded videos to be linked to a contact. To access this requirement, go to your Settings from the monogram profile button in the upper-right corner of ThankView. Select My Portal and scroll to 1:1 Video Contact Linking.  

Below, we will cover the different ways you can link contacts to 1:1 videos and how to review linked contact metrics. Let’s get started! 

Linking a Contact to a 1:1 Video

Step 1. Record Your 1:1 Video 

Hop into your 1:1 Video page, click the + button to add a new video, and record your video as you normally would - with webcam, screenshare, or a file upload. If you need more guidance on how to navigate 1:1 Video, we have plenty of resources

Step 2. Select Add Contact

Once you’ve recorded, a 1:1 Video Options section will appear to the left of your video. Choose the Contact dropdown and click Add Contact

Step 3. Find and Select Desired Contact

An Add from Contacts box will appear, giving you a list of your contacts. Use the search bar or scroll to find the contact you’d like to link to the video. The View button found at the right of each contact name can be used to preview their profile, handy if you want to see other contact details! When you’ve found your person, select their name and hit Confirm in the bottom-right of the box. 

Once confirmed, you’ll see the contact’s name listed beneath Contact. When you send the 1:1 Video to this contact, their engagement metrics will be tied directly to their profile! We’ll cover this in detail under Tracking Contact Engagement

  • Note: If your portal requires contact linking for all videos, you will not be able to use the Copy Link + Thumbnail nor Preview Page buttons until a contact has been added. 
  • Note: Contacts must have a Donor ID to be linked to a video. If the contact you want to add does not have an ID, click View next to their name and use the Edit Contact button in their profile to add one.

Step 4. Edit Added Contact

If you need to remove the linked contact (maybe you selected the wrong person!), we’ve got you covered. Simply click the small x to the right of their name to unlink them from the video. Then, you can click Add Contact once more, or leave the video as-is! 

  • Note: If your portal requires contact linking for all videos, this small x will be replaced by an option to replace the linked contact with a different person.

Adding a Contact List to 1:1 Video

Step 1. Select Add from Contact List

Picture this: you have multiple donor videos to record this week, and you want an easy way to bulk create video shells for these recipients. If these contacts are already added to a list in ThankView, you can add them to your Video List all at once! To do so, start with an empty Video List and click Add from Contact List.      

Step 2. Find and Select Desired List

An Add from Lists box will appear that includes all imported contact lists. Use the filters, search bar, or simply scroll to find the list you’d like to add to the video. When you’ve found the right list, select it and click Confirm to add. 

  • Note: Contacts must have a Donor ID to be linked to a video. If any contacts from your selected list do not have a Donor ID, they will not be added to your Video List. When confirming the selected list, we provide a final number of contacts that will be added. We recommend editing contacts directly from the list itself to include missing IDs. 

Step 4. Record Your 1:1 Videos

Once added, you’ll see video shells for each contact appear in your Video List. These shells will automatically be titled with the name of the corresponding contact from the list. Record videos for each donor, working your way down the list! After recording, you will see the contact’s name already listed beneath Contact

Make any additional edits to your 1:1 Video, copy its link, and send to your donor! 

Tracking Contact Engagement 

Step 1. Review Contact Profile’s 1:1 Video Tab

If a contact is linked to a 1:1 Video, you’ll be able to review some of their engagement metrics directly in their profile! Open the profile and click into its 1:1 Video tab to see details like percentage of the video watched, total video views, the landing page clickthrough rate, and more. These metrics will be included for each video linked to the contact.       

Step 2. Review Your 1:1 Video Metrics

Linked Contact details are also included in your 1:1 Video metrics, providing you with more holistic engagement insights! To see these details, head to your Metrics page and open your 1:1 Video dashboard. Click the Email 1:1 Video Metrics button to be sent a CSV that includes the following contact fields: 

  • Recipient First Name
  • Recipient Last Name
  • Recipient Email
  • Recipient Donor ID

For any other questions, reach out to

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