Managing Custom Landing Pages and Envelopes

Your landing page and envelope are where your ThankView video is going to live, so needless to say - you want to make sure they’re pretty! If you need to make any changes to these elements or start from scratch entirely, you can do so on your My Portal tab of your Settings

Working with Landing Pages

Landing pages are highly customizable and very easy to edit. To make adjustments to an existing landing page:

  1. In the top navigation bar, click on your Profile Icon > Settings.
  2. In the left-hand sidebar, select the third tab called My Portal.
  3. Scroll down to My Landing Pages and locate the landing page you would like to adjust or delete.
  4. There will be a wrench icon and a trashcan icon - the former for editing, the latter for deleting.

Working with Envelopes

The flow to edit an envelope is a bit different than editing a landing page - you have to delete your envelope and then start over from scratch. To do this:

  1. In the top navigation bar, click on your Profile Icon > Settings.
  2. In the left-hand sidebar, select the third tab called My Portal, and scroll down until you reach the My Branded Envelopes section.
  3. There will be a wrench icon and a trashcan icon - the former for editing, the latter for deleting.
  4. Now you're able to select the blue Create Envelope icon and build out the old envelope with your edits!

Note: If the envelope is used in a campaign, the trash icon will not be available. You will have to remove the envelope in the campaign before it can be deleted.

If you have any additional questions, please contact your Customer Success Representative or

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