Viewing Replies to Your ThankViews

In addition to receiving email notifications of your replies, you can view all of them directly inside of your campaigns in the Replies section.

The Replies Section

In the Replies section of your campaign, you will see a list of every recipient that responded to that campaign, along with information like their email address, the date received, and whether they replied with a written message or a video.

You can filter replies by reply type by clicking the Filter By dropdown. You can also find replies using the search bar.

  • To view a reply, click the ellipses under the Actions header and click Preview Reply.
  • To collapse previews, re-click the same area for the dropdown and click Collapse Reply.
  • To delete a reply, click the ellipses under the Actions header and click Delete Reply.

Video Replies

When a video is submitted, it is filed in the Replies folder of your Video Library where it can be reviewed, downloaded, or attached to a campaign. It will be titled with the recorder's name, and if a recorder submits multiple videos, they will be numbered 001, 002, 003, etc. 

Enabling and Disabling Replies

Toggle on/off the various secondary action buttons to allow your recipients to submit video and/or email replies.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Representative or

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