Ultimate ThankView Resource Guide
This is your one-stop-shop for all things related to learning ThankView! Take a gander at the resources you have at your fingertips: peruse our articles, hop into a live training,…
Beginner's Guide: Thank You Campaigns
Whether you're brushing up on old skills or building your very first campaign, this step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know about creating a simple,…
Beginner's Guide: Video Request Campaigns
This step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know about creating a Video Request campaign. Use this campaign type to request videos from students, faculty, staff, patients, parents,…
Beginner's Guide: Automated Birthday & Anniversary Campaigns
This step-by-step guide will teach you everything you need to know about creating either a Birthdays or Anniversaries campaign. The unique distinction between these two campaign types and the others…
Beginner's Guide: ODDER Campaigns
ODDER stands for On-Demand Digital Endowment Reports and allows you to send static and dynamic PDF reports. ODDER is a separate product offering, so you will only have the ability to create an ODDER…
Beginner's Guide: ThankGiving Campaigns
The days of donation links and form-embedding are over! With ThankGiving, you can collect donations quickly and easily, directly from your Landing Page!…
3 Tips for More Accessible Content
Accessibility is no longer an option, it's a necessity. That's true in general, but especially when it comes to connecting with people through video. It is crucial that you make your content…
Campaign Types & Use Cases
It's helpful to categorize each campaign as accurately as you can so that you can compare the performance of different types of campaigns on your Metrics page.…
Managing Your Campaigns Page
Your Campaigns page gives you a central location where you can view and manage your campaigns. By default, you’ll see your active campaigns, but you can use the filters at the top of the page to…
Writing Strong Subject Lines and Email Messages
The subject line and email message will often determine whether or not your recipient opens your ThankView or not. Let's explore ways to nail the copy inside of your campaign! Also,…
Setting Your Campaign Language
In addition to English, there are 9 other languages available. This will not affect the language displayed during the setup process, but it will change the following:…
Envelope, Thumbnail, or Animated Email Format?
The Message page is where you'll configure the email component of your campaign. This is the first point of contact your recipient has with their ThankView, so we want to make it count!…
Utilizing Your Call-to-Action (CTA) Button
Including a call-to-action element is an excellent way to drive your recipients to complete some sort of task or action after watching your video. You can insert a link and create a call-to-action…
Displaying a PDF in a ThankView
Including a call-to-action element is an excellent way to drive your recipients to complete some sort of task or action after watching your video. You can display a PDF document directly beneath your…
Embedding Forms on Your Landing Page
Including a call-to-action element is an excellent way to drive your recipients to complete some sort of task or action after watching your video. You can embed a form directly within your ThankView…
What is a Tracking Pixel?
A tracking pixel is a graphic with dimensions of 1x1 pixels, which is small enough that visitors to the page shouldn't notice it. It is loaded when a user visits a website and it tracks user…
Sending and Resending ThankViews
Inside of a campaign, the Send page is where you'll schedule your your ThankViews to be sent - you also have the ability to resend them. Sending Campaigns Before sending your ThankViews,…
Making Adjustments to Scheduled Sends
You can schedule your ThankView campaigns to be sent up to one (1) year in advance. When scheduling, you’ll set the exact send time by selecting the hour, minute, and time of day (AM/PM).…
Daily Send Limits
If you have unlimited contacts, we set a default cap of 10,000 ThankView sends per day. However, if you need to send larger campaigns, we can adjust this limit.…
Viewing Replies to Your ThankViews
In addition to receiving email notifications of your replies, you can view all of them directly inside of your campaigns in the Replies section. The Replies Section In the Replies section of your…
Assigning Recorders and Instructions using Tasks
We’re so excited to finally unveil Tasks! The Tasks feature is designed to take your teamwork to the next level by allowing the creation of recording assignments for your team in-platform.…
Video Request Best Practices
The Video Request campaign type allows you to request and receive videos from your recipients within the ThankView platform. This campaign type includes instructions and auto reminders for the…
Completing Your Assigned Recordings
So, you've been selected to be on a team of recorders and create personalized videos! Essentially, your admin will go in and assign you a list of recipients, and when you go into your portal,…
Big Book of Holidays for Your Campaign Calendar
Standard Holidays Jan 1 New Year’s Day 3rd Mon, Jan Martin Luther King Day 3rd Mon, Feb President's Day Last Mon, May Memorial Day Jun 19 Juneteenth July 4 Independence Day 1st Mon,…
Dive into the nuts and bolts of creating a campaign in ThankView.