Writing Strong Subject Lines and Email Messages

The subject line and email message will often determine whether or not your recipient opens your ThankView or not. Let's explore ways to nail the copy inside of your campaign! Also, feel free to check out our tutorial video on crafting your email message!

Crafting Successful Subject Lines

Our primary recommendation is to include the word "video" and the name of your organization in your subject line to ensure that your recipients know what they're receiving and from whom they're receiving it. 

Best Practices

  • Utilize personalization at every turn with merge fields
  • Use recipient-specific words
  • Use caps sparingly so that the email isn't marked as spam
  • Avoid ambiguity
  • Limit your use of exclamation points
  • Adapt your tone to your audience
  • Add some personality

Examples of Strong Subject Lines

  • “A Thank You Video From Boston University!" (Open Rate: 73%)
  • “A Personalized Thank You from the U of A” (Open Rate: 82%)
  • “A Thank You Video From University of Tennessee!” (Open Rate: 75.1%)
  • “Special Thanks From A Notre Dame Student” (Open Rate: 76%)
  • “A Heartfelt Video From UC Davis” (Open Rate: 55%)

Drafting Effective Email Messages

For our purposes, the email message also acts as your pre-header text. A pre-header (otherwise known as a Johnson Box) is the short summary text that follows the subject line when an email is viewed in the inbox. Many mobile, desktop, and web email clients provide them to tip you off on what the email contains before you open it. 

The purpose of this message is to give some context for the ThankView you're sending. This message performs best when it addresses the recipient by name and plainly explains what they're receiving, without giving too much away, of course.

Best Practices 

  • Keep it short and sweet, preferably 150 characters or less. (Though you do have 5000 to use)
  • Insert the %first_name% merge field.
  • Don't give too much away.
  • Let them know you care.

Strong Email Message Examples

  • Hey %first_name%, ORGANIZATION NAME made this video just for you!
  • Hi %first_name%! Check out this video ORGANIZATION NAME made for you. 
  • %first_name%: This video is our way of saying thanks. From: ORGANIZATION NAME. 
  • This Video Is Just For You, %first_name%. With Love: ORGANIZATION NAME. 
  • A Very Special Video Just For You, %first_name%!

If you have additional questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Representative or support@thankview.com.

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